“Your Journey Has Reached Its Beginning”: How I Found and Embraced the Orthodox Church
Today I share about my spiritual life within the confines of the Christian religion. I’ve been a churchgoer as long as I can remember; however, the journey has been, shall I say, interesting. It was really a search for truth – a search that ended when I was introduced to the Orthodox Church interestingly enough…
Read MoreI’m a Podcaster, and I Have Something to Say to that Pastor Who Has Something to Say
Some guy who calls himself a pastor declared “I have something to say.” This was in reference to what happened at the opening ceremony of the Olympics where Leonardo’s depiction of the Last Supper was openly mocked with a gluttonous drag queen sitting in the place of Jesus, transvestites and other undesirables sitting in the…
Read MoreBeleaguered Calvinist Discovers Orthodoxy, The Church, and True Service to Christ feat. Gary Greenfield
Welcome to Overtly Orthodox. Today we hear from a gentleman named Gary Greenfield. Gary “transitioned” from a Protestant sect of Christianity to the Orthodox Church rather late in life. (I think transition is a better use of words than conversion, but I digress.) So you understand the context of what you’ll hear, when I recorded…
Read MoreEnergeia: What It Means and Proper Uses In and Out of Scripture with Frederica Mathewes-Green
I am really pleased to bring back to the program, Frederica Matthewes-Green. Frederica is an Orthodox Christian scholar, and just a very sweet spirit, extremely generous with her time. Frederica is the author of Two Views of the Cross: Orthodoxy and the West. And when I wrote her asking if she might know someone who…
Read MoreTwo Views of the Cross, A Journey to Orthodoxy, the Need for Strong Male Leadership in Society, and More with Frederica Mathewes-Green
This episode is the first of two interviews that I have done with Frederica Matthewes-Green. Frederica has a number of resources available that have been very helpful for me in my inquiry into, and eventual baptism into the Orthodox Church. In fact, Frederica’s book, Two Views of the Cross was very influential in my own…
Read MoreWelcome to My Little Show!
Host James D. Newcomb shares his personal background in American churchianity, his introduction to and reception into the Orthodox Church, how this podcast concept and title came about, and what to expect from it in its early days and beyond! If you like what you hear, be sure to subscribe to the podcast. And by…
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